Advisory on the Delimitation and Boundary Review Process in Kenya
The boundary and delimitation process in Kenya was part of the electoral reforms that were proposed by the Kreigler report which set out to provide the principles to guide the process. Some of the principles indicated that the delimitation of Constituencies should be the equality of the vote and the maximum departure from that principle should be clearly defined in the law. Consideration of other criteria such as density of population, population trends, and means of communication, geographical features and community of interests should be retained but they should interfere minimally with the basic principle of equality of voting strength. Read more...
2022 Elections Monitoring Recommendations Matrix for Institutional Reforms Towards Human Rights Compliant
The KNCHR has thoroughly monitored all stages of the Kenyan electoral process, resulting in two important reports, "Bound Ballot" and "Demystifying Democracy," containing valuable insights and recommendations. KNCHR aims to disseminate these guidelines widely to the public, stakeholders, and officials. These recommendations are meant to inspire advocacy, legislative changes, and administrative actions. KNCHR's goal is to enhance future electoral processes with a focus on the rule of law, human rights, and democratic principles. This compendium serves as a guide to creating a more just electoral landscape in Kenya. Download Report
Final Election Monitoring Report- 2022 General Elections
This final election monitoring report of the Commission, “A Human Rights Account of the 2022 General Election” provides a synopsis of the findings of the exercise from a human rights perspective. In addition, there are a series of recommendations to different actors and duty bearers with a view to improving the Kenyan electoral environment towards better promotion and protection of human rights. As a Commission, it is our sincere desire that this report will inform conversations on the place of our elections in enhancing democracy, rule of law, human rights and other tenets that will help the Country move “towards a society that enjoys human rights and fundamental freedoms”. Download Report
Party Primaries Monitoring Report- 2022 General Elections
KNCHR through its 2022 elections monitoring project, planned and resourced to monitor the political parties’ nominations as a critical phase in the elections cycle. The 2022 political parties’ nominations exercise was just like others monitored by the KNCHR in the past, an arduous task that required not just proper planning and execution but also adequate human resource capital to ensure that the mapped hotspot zones were all equally covered.As the Commission launches this report and reflects on the status of human rights in the political parties’ nominations exercise, it remains committed to ensuring that the remaining phases of the 2022 general elections will uphold human rights principles and standards. Download Report
KNCHR Election 2022 Monitoring Strategy
KNCHR will be monitoring the preparedness and processes of the upcoming 2022 General elections. KNCHR monitoring processes and approaches will focus more with a human rights lens, in order to identify gaps and ways in which the Commission can influence the respect for human rights in the General elections’ processes as well as foster political accountability and democracy. Download Report
This report focuses on post election violations largely experienced following the announcement of the first Presidential results on August 11th, 2017, and the ensuing months prior to and after the fresh Presidential polls on October 26th, 2017. Its findings are a stark reminder about the vulnerability of women and children during General Election. Download Report
Still a mirage at dusk is a Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) report that gives an account of 26th October 2017 fresh presidential election from a human rights lens. The report is a culmination of relentless efforts put by the commission to establish whether environment and processes of the Kenya’s ever Fresh Presidential elections 2017 adhered to both local and international human rights standards. Download Report
Mirage at Dusk is an election-focused documentation by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) from a human rights lens, guided by the vision of monitoring the right to vote and be voted for.It is a culmination of more than one year of relentless efforts to ensure the electoral environment adheres to both local and international human rights standards. Download Report
At the preliminary level, the question remains. Did you actualize your constitutionally guaranteed right to vote during the recent political party nominations exercise? Do you understand the significance of party primaries as a milestone towards solidifying good governance in the electoral reforms in Kenya? The sad answer is “No” or at best “Yes”. Nevertheless, this report explores what those who participated in party primaries experienced and further suggests mechanisms that would be put in place to eliminate nasty experiences. Download Report
Reflections In The Mirror: An Introspection Of The KNCHR 2007-2008 Experience: Reflections 10 Years After The 2007 Post-Election Violence
This report is a reflection study based on KNCHR’s set of experiences as an institution and as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) following the Kenya 2007- 2008 post-election violence, and its efforts thereafter in seeking to pursue justice and accountability for victims and survivors of the violence. Download Report
Living and voting with Dignity and Justice: A Human Rights Manifesto
The report’s aims are twofold. It offers snapshots of the extent to which Kenya’s Bill of Rights has impacted the lived realities of Kenyans during the first two years of its implementation (27 August 2010-26 August 2012). The report though makes the conscious choice not to undertake a blow by blow assessment of each Chapter Four right. Rather, it identifies key events in the lives of Kenyans during the last two years and provides a rights context to those events. The themes under which these events and rights are discussed are: livelihoods; justice; dignity; and participation and accountability. The report also proposes short-term and medium-term Interventions which both state and non-state actors should take account of to ensure better implementation of the Bill of Rights. Download Report

2013 Elections: Safeguarding Rights
KNCHR observed the 4th March 2013 General Elections with an aim of monitoring compliance with human rights principles and standards in eight selected hotspots namely; Nairobi, Kisumu, Mombasa, Nakuru, Kilifi, Kwale, Isiolo and Uasin Gishu. These areas had been sampled based on their high potential for human rights violations and the high probability of violence spilling over to other regions. This report is an account of the monitoring exercise that took place between 1st and 6th March 2013. It captures the observations and information gathered by KNCHR staff, monitors, the general public and other institutions including the police and the media. Download Report
Break from the past
Political party nomination exercises have in the past been marred with controversy particularly in regard to the extent to which they adhere to basic human rights principles of participation, transparency, accountability, adherence to the rule of law among others. These challenges coupled with the political dynamics in the country have occasioned great injustices to citizens’ realization of their political rights. The new constitutional order raises the bar in relation to the business of political parties since they are required to comply with the bill of rights so as to enhance political participation and inclusion. It is for that reason that KNCHR monitored political party nominations in 2013 with a view to assessing their adherence to the rule of law; principles of participation as well as transparency and accountability.
The report “Break from the Past? A Monitoring Report of the 2013 Political Party Nominations” gives a detailed eye-witness account from the monitoring excursion as conducted by KNCHR in 8 counties deemed as hotspots. Being the first nominations under the new order the report seeks to answer the question whether the implementation of the enacted electoral and political party laws, which are considered progressive, enable a fair, transparent and a credible process? Was it a break from the past or a repetition of history? The report audits the process, exposes the loopholes, outlines the findings from each county and makes recommendations for the future success of this process. Download Report

The 2005 referendum monitoring report: Behaving Badly
This report highlights the findings of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) in the course of its joint program with the Kenya Human Rights ommission in monitoring the referendum campaign rallies between September and the constitutional plebiscite of November 21st 2005. Both the monitoring of the referendum campaigns and this report constitute a joint project.
The referendum observation project was motivated mainly by the objective of seeking to begin ensuring accountability of politicians at the early stage of campaigning, on the basis that if our political class gets used to being held accountable during the campaigning period, they will accept it better if and when they assume office. If this happens, then the culture of impunity in Kenya, which is the reason for existence of various human rights violations.Download Report