
Chairperson -Roseline Doreen Adhiambo Odhiambo – Odede, Adv. ,MCIArb, CPM, EIA, LLM, HSC.

Roseline Odede is the Chairperson of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, whose mandate is to protect and promote Human Rights in Kenya. It includes offering advisories to the Government and reporting obligations to several international bodies and organizations. She is an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, Certified Mediator, Arbitrator and a Social and Environmental Impact Auditor and Assessor. She previously served as the Vice Chairperson of the Judges Magistrates and Vetting Board and is a nationally recognized expert in gender, governance, policy, and human rights. She holds a Master of Laws Degree awarded by the University of Witwatersrand Johannesburg, South Africa; and has been a litigator in private practice for over 30 years, during which period she offered pro-bono services in the area of Human Rights, a role for which she has been awarded the Head of State Commendation. Roseline was also specially recognized by the East Africa Law Society, a regional organization, for distinguished legal practice and service. Roseline has held several leadership positions in several professional societies, including the Commonwealth Lawyers Association, East Africa Law Society, Law Society of Kenya and FIDA Kenya.

Vice-Chairperson - Dr. Raymond Nyeris
Dr. Raymond Nyeris is the Vice Chairperson and a Commissioner of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. He holds the following qualifications:  PhD in Policy studies and Education Management from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology, Master in Educational Management and Policy studies from Kenyatta University, Bachelor of Laws from the University of Nairobi, Bachelor of Education from Moi University, Certified Professional Mediator and Corporate Governance course by Centre of Corporate Governance and other short courses by the Kenya School of Government.

He has the following work experience: 

Over 15 years experience in Policy and Governance matters specialising in Public Administration, Dispute resolution, Education management and Human Rights Advocacy in Public and Private sectors. Worked as Human Rights Advocacy Officer and Civic Education Coordinator at Anglican Development Service in North Rift Region. Lectured in various Universities and taught in High Schools. Worked as a Chief Officer in charge of Public Administration and Devolved Governance in West Pokot County. Worked as Executive Member in the Inter-governmental Relations Technical Committee between 2015 – 2020 where he championed the development of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Public participation Policies. Worked as Organisational Member of the World Vision Kenya where he is serving as a member of the Audit  and Risk Committee. Serves as a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee at the Commission. Dr. Nyeris has the integrity, experience and passion to advance the Human Rights agenda.

Commissioner - Prof. Marion Wanjiku Mutugi,EBS

Prof Marion Mutugi who graduated with a PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 1993 is an accomplished scholar.  She has been involved in research particularly at the confluence of biomedical and social sciences and is widely published in the areas of genetics, ethics and human rights.  In addition, she is a seasoned academician in various tertiary institutions, through whose hands have passed many students from the region.

One of her major passions is knowledge transfer of research findings to communities particularly in the economic and social rights. Prof Mutugi endeavours to be faithful to her motto: " what's worth doing is worth doing well" and will add particular value to health, education and environmental rights.


Commissioner - Hon. Sara Talaso Bonaya:

Hon. Sara Talaso Bonaya is a Commissioner of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. She holds a Masters Degree in Health Management, Policy and Planning from the University of Leeds (UK), a Higher Diploma in Public Health Education and Behavior Change Communication as well as Diplomas in Nursing and Midwifery from the Kenya Medical Training College (KMTC). She has served in the Ministry of Health for 21 years in different capacities in the health sector as a nurse, midwife as well as a public health education officer. During this time, she was involved in policy and planning at national level.

Commissioner Sara was later nominated as a Member of Parliament to the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) where she served for 10 years. As a Member of Parliament, she participated in the formulation of numerous regional laws geared towards promoting regional integration. Some of her key highlights during her tenure at EALA include: working with various partners in developing a regional HIV Bill and Gender Bill; developing the EAC Peace and Security Protocol; and being part of the Select Committee of 6 (six) to Kenya during the 2007-Post Election Violence. Commissioner Sara is passionate about advancing health rights, gender equality, social justice, regional integration, as well as issues of peace and security.

Commissioner - Dr. Dennis Nyongesa Wamalwa

Dr. Dennis Wamalwa, Ph.D. is a Commissioner with the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR). He is also a Board Member and the Vice-Chairperson of the Intersex Persons Society of Kenya (IPSK).  Dr. Wamalwa is governance, community organizer, social justice advocate, gender specialist and human rights defender with a wealth of experience in advocacy initiatives. Dr. Wamalwa is also an associate research consultant with AFRIBA Research Consortium, which plays a part in the social change in Africa. He is a member at Honor and Diligence Support Service, an international consortium of Counsellors and Psychologists offering remote psychological counselling across Africa. Additionally, Dr, Wamalwa has a wealth of experience spanning over 20 years as a Lecturer, Trainer, Researcher and Mental Health and Psychosocial well-being consultant, with various International, National and Local NGOs, Corporates, Government, Health and Religious Institutions. He is a registered member of Kenya Counsellors and Psychologists Association with an Associate Counsellor Supervisor Status.

He holds a PhD in Peace and Conflict Studies from Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology (MMUST) Kenya and a Masters of Arts in Counselling Studies, from The University of Manchester, (UK) coupled with numerous professional credentials. He has to his credit, 20 publications in referred journals with high impact factors and; he has supervised over 25 postgraduate Master’s students to completion from various universities between 2016 and date.